This is the bay between Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, showing the ferry. The ferry ride across the river was a great view of everything, and only $2HKD. (About $.50US per ride)
The hostel was in Kowloon, central to everything, but was a bit of a culture shock to most, as the reservation website seemed to misrepresent the quality...
This is my first night's stay ... not much spare room! The bathroom was a shower with a toilet and sink inside.
The rest of the stay (6 nights) was in the dorm room with 11 other travellers. I had a top bunk, on the right, and we all shared 2 bathrooms.

The hotel hangout was the cyber cafe on the tenth floor... featuring cheap beer and web access.
The city itself was a completely other story. Some amazing sights and activities. The buses were cheap, and went all over the island, including Repulse and Stanley Bays, and the Peak, which we checked out one night.
A friend Linda was so kind as to accompany me to the beach, a bunch of museums and even the Happy Valley Horsetrack. These are picutes of Repulse Bay. It was warm enough to swim.
After Repulse Bay we headed back by way of the "Peak" and found an amazing view of the city on the other side.
In summary, a frustrating visa trip turned into a decent experience, thanks in large part to Linda, Aim, Adam, and Paul. More pics coming soon!
Great Photos. I love Hong Kong! I remember walking around Victoria Peak during the day as if it were yesterday. They had the coolest vines hanging off the tallest trees. I wanted to swing on them like Tarzan. They were out of this world and the view was spectacular from every angle.
Wow - I didn't see the vines - probably because it was dark! I can just imagine you swingin like Tarzan! haha It was pretty amazing up there! btw - thanks for the Stanley Bay suggestion ;)
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