Saturday, September 27, 2008

Alternate Universe...

Music is a drug.

OK, I am still wondering if I'm stating the obvious here, but if that were the case, then why was I so surprised at the extent to which I felt transformed...

The short of the story is that you can chose to put yourself in a different place, emotionally and mentally, by way of your own brand of music therapy. Your choice of music will obviously play a role in the place to which you decide to go.

A couple days back I was walking to a class, and something worth writing about happened. I was listening to some of my favorite US tunes while walking to class.... I was amazed at the way that it transformed my mood, and my outlook. It affected the way I taught my course, how I felt, the way I saw people as I walked down the street. Some fundamental piece of inner energy, mojo, vibe, groove, or whatever you want to call it, was altered based on the music.

In my case, just a few days ago, I had no expectations, and was not necessarily in a bad mood. But perhaps some of this reaction was nostalgic, having been away for a few weeks, and it neing music that is necessarily associated with things from my past in some way shape or form.

I am even still surprised that I was surprised... perhaps evidence that this is not all just a dream... or some alternate universe... though some days I wonder. :)

The music over here is way more diverse than the US. They have US tunes, but so far, I've heard more Chinese lyrics than US, by far.

There is also a Chinese version of myspace or facebook. I've seen a couple profiles. Pretty cool - the main thing is sharing photos and hearing the music that everyone thinks is cool. So, it's a good way to discover new stuff.

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